Tag: It’s There

It’s There! Taxi for Steve Davis

By Free Ball A few gremlins have affected television transmission at times throughout The Championship. There were the technical difficulties on First Friday morning, accompanied by the BBC’s continuity announcer continuously insisting the snooker was in York. There was the surprisingly calm sound of Rob Walker prepping a morning crowd rather than the[Read More…]


It’s There! See Ya

It’s time for goodbyes, and among those is a farewell for now to our armchair aficionado, Free Ball. Many thanks for all the ramblings and digressing again this year, hopefully there’ll be a return in a year’s time. Read below for the last offering, but who is behind the Free[Read More…]

It’s There! Tipping Point

Returning after the success of last year is our inconspicuous snooker aficionado, Free Ball. Throughout the World Championship, this unnamed follower of our beloved sport will provide a few musings on some of the not so well documented  happenings in Sheffield – mostly from the luxury of his/her own settee. The[Read More…]