Chinese duo Cao Yupeng and Yu Delu, as well as Welshman David John, have all been handed suspensions by the WPBSA following investigations into alleged breaches.

In the case of Yu, this relates to manipulating the outcome of five matches he was involved in since 2015, failing to report two approaches to fix a match, betting on snooker, and failing to fully cooperate with the WPBSA enquiry.
In the case of Cao Yupeng, this relates to manipulating the outcome of three matches in 2016 and failing to fully cooperate with the WPBSA enquiry.
Jason Ferguson, the Chairman of the WPBSA has taken the decision to suspend both players from attending or competing on the World Snooker Tour.
This suspension will remain in place until the conclusion of the hearing or hearings and the determination of this matter and both Players have the right to appeal his decision.
The matter will be referred to the WPBSA Disciplinary Committee where a formal hearing will take place at a venue and date to be confirmed.
Jason Ferguson said: “The decision to suspend any player immediately is a difficult decision to take.”
“However, the WPBSA has a duty of care to ensure that snooker’s global integrity is securely preserved, therefore my decision today is to remove any question marks over the sport during the time it takes to bring these matters to formal proceedings”.
Cao enjoyed a breakthrough year on the Main Tour last season by reaching the finals of both Scottish and Gibraltar Opens, where he lost to Neil Robertson and Ryan Day respectively.
Yu has been a professional since 2011 and has been as high as number 43 in the world rankings.
Meanwhile, 33 year-old John finds himself in a similar position after the WPBSA Integrity Unit, working with Sportradar Integrity Services, decided that he too had a case to answer for.
This relates to manipulating the outcome of matches he was involved in since 2016 and failing to fully cooperate with the WPBSA enquiry, while the former European amateur champion also has the right to appeal.
Today’s announcement adds to a list of players who have been embroiled in scandals over the last few years, although it’s one of the first to involve high-profile Chinese competitors despite suspicions being raised about a number of players from the country, including the duo in question at the moment, in the recent past.
More will be revealed as and when the cases develop.